About The Book
Maps, Myths & Paradigms is a cartographic adventure that begins as a casual investigation into a curious but unlikely claim that an ancient civilization charted the Antarctic continent. The investigation that ensues leads the reader down a trail of mystery and intrigue revealing a series of fresh observations and new discoveries surrounding ancient maps, mythical lost civilizations, and modern geological paradigms.Come along as we:
- Revisit ancient maps of Antarctica revealing startling new evidence supporting their authenticity;
- Discover a 2,000-year-old map on the bottom of one world and the world’s largest impact crater atop another; and finally,
- Chart the rise of Atlantis from the depths of myth and legend and the fall of a modern paradigm from the heights of scientific consensus.
Table of Contents
ANCIENT MAPS: Myths and Mysteries
Chapter 1
Here There Be Dragons
Chapter 2
Down the Rabbit Hole
Chapter 3
Ancient Maps of Antarctica
a Continent
Accuracy of Topography
Chapter 4 Accuracy of Topography
The Magellan Effect
Tale of Two Islands
The Magellan Effect
Chapter 5The Magellan Effect
The Map at the Bottom of the World
Methodology for Cartographic Incorporation of New
1: Referencing Ancient Source Maps
Step 2: Reconciling Discoveries to Ancient Source Maps
Step 3: Scaling Old To New
Chapter 6Step 2: Reconciling Discoveries to Ancient Source Maps
Step 3: Scaling Old To New
In Search of Atlantis
Atlantis Plain
Concession 1: Proportion
Concession 2: Artificial Versus Natural
Concession 3: Island Versus Extended Land
Chapter 7 Concession 1: Proportion
Concession 2: Artificial Versus Natural
Concession 3: Island Versus Extended Land
The Continent That Solon Sunk
City Sinks
Chapter 8 The Long Walls of Atlantis
Chapter 9
Historical Atlantis
War Which Was
Those Who Dwelt Outside
Those Who Dwelt Outside
MODERN MAPS: Paradigms and Puzzles
Chapter 10
Paradigm Lost
Window to a New World
Bays: Continental Ductile Fractures
Major Ridges Consistently Signify Plate Boundaries
Cusp and Ridge Alignments Refute Subduction
Seafloor Folding Versus Subduction
Hawaiian–Emperor Boundary Ridge
Bays: Continental Ductile Fractures
Major Ridges Consistently Signify Plate Boundaries
Cusp and Ridge Alignments Refute Subduction
Seafloor Folding Versus Subduction
Hawaiian–Emperor Boundary Ridge
Chapter 11 Earth Deconstructed
Deconstructing the Atlantic
Many Rivers Flow Along Continental Fractures
Chapter 12 Deconstructing the Atlantic
Many Rivers Flow Along Continental Fractures
Signs Point North
The Genesis Impact Crater
Chapter 13 The Genesis Impact Crater
COPHEE: A New Dynamic
Ocean Planet Hydro-Equilibrial Expansion
Chapter 14COPHEE II: The Great Flood
Chapter 15
Mapping the Future
Observations and Discoveries:
- An accurate depiction of Antarctica’s Carney and Siple Islands lying off the coast of a sixteenth century portrayal of Western Antarctica bolsters the possibility that an ancient civilization charted the continent;
- A copy of a long-lost 2,000-year-old Roman map, Agrippa’s Orbis Terrarum, is discovered mysteriously affixed to the bottom of a sixteenth century globe;
- A new site is posited for Atlantis based on the stringent geographical layout, dimensions, and scale set forth in the writings of Plato;
- The remains of Genesis, the world’s largest impact crater measuring 715 miles in diameter, are discovered lying at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean;
- The Genesis Hemispheric Impact Structure (GHIS) is revealed—a vast concentric pattern of compression and shear fracturing extending out from and entirely around Genesis that comprises and encompasses nearly half of Earth’s continental crust; and finally,
- A theory for a new Earth dynamic is proposed, Catastrophic Ocean Planet Hydro-Equilibrial Expansion (COPHEE), which may have been responsible for the demise of the Atlantean empire and could prove to be the demise of plate tectonics.
A sampling of key discoveries
detailed within Maps, Myths & Paradigms.
Click on one of the images below to enter the slideshow where you
can view larger images and animations.
Agrippa's Orbis Terrarum
long-lost 2,000-year-old world map is discovered affixed to
the bottom of Johannes Schöner's 1515 globe. The find proves
that Schöner, like others of his day, depicted new lands
using ancient maps as templates. The find also lends support
to the legitimacy of ancient maps of Antarctica.
Kamchatka Origins
is a fragment of Asia and not the product of magmatic
upwelling caused by subduction. This simple discovery would
ultimately lead to the refutation of plate tectonics and the
proposal of a new Earth dynamics theory: Catastrophic Ocean
Planet Hydro-Equilibrial Expansion (COPHEE).
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